Statement on the ruling in Mermaids v Charity Commission and LGB Alliance

Statement on the ruling in Mermaids v Charity Commission and LGB Alliance

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Consortium are disappointed to learn that the appeal was dismissed on the grounds of legal standing. Although the judges were invited to indicate what their decision would have been on broader issues, they have chosen not to do so.

We are proud to have supported Mermaids and the Good Law Project throughout this appeal and firmly believe that charitable status should be reserved for those organisations that work towards a more inclusive society.

Paul Roberts, Consortium’s Chief Executive said, “We maintain that the LGB Alliance’s practice are fundamentally incompatible with the Charity Commission’s guidelines on how charities should provide a public benefit. We will continue to support our members across the LGBT+ sector to work for a more inclusive society, and not one that seeks to divide and spread misinformation.

Consortium is committed to fighting for equity, inclusivity and defending the rights of all LGBT+ organisations through our work, especially those who face the greatest marginalisation and hostility.

LGBT+ communities across the UK face an onslaught of misinformation and attacks in the mainstream press, in politics and on social media. Trans (including nonbinary and gender diverse) people are entitled, like everyone else, to support and understanding. Our LGBT+ communities will not be divided. We oppose transphobia in all its forms. We stand together.

Statement from Mermaids:
Statement from Good Law Project:

Read the original article
Author: Leo Kirkpatrick